Use Python, NimbusML and ML.NET to predict New York taxi fares

Mark Farragher
6 min readJul 28, 2020


There are many popular machine learning libraries for Python. There’s TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Theano, Caffe, and many others.

And in the NET domain we have Microsoft’s new ML.NET machine learning library which can be used in C# and F# applications.

But now Microsoft has created NimbusML, a new library that will let you access the ML.NET machine learning library directly in your Python code!

NimbusML acts as a bridge between the Python process that’s running your app code and the dotNET runtime that’s hosting the ML.NET library. All calls are transparently routed between Python and dotNET.

Naturally I had to try it out. I decided to port my New York taxi price prediction model to NimbusML to see what happens.

I’m always big on writing extremely compact apps and I was happy to get the C# version of the taxi price predictor down to 122 lines of code. And by porting the app to F#, I managed to reduce its size even further to only 69 lines of code.

But how compact will the Python app be?

Let’s find out.

The first thing I’ll need is a data file with transcripts of New York taxi rides. The NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission provides yearly TLC Trip Record Data files which have exactly what I need.

I will download the Yellow Taxi Trip Records from December 2018 and save it as yellow_tripdata_2018–12.csv.

This is a CSV file with 8,173,233 records that looks like this:

There are a lot of columns with interesting information in this data file, but I will only train on the following:

  • Column 0: The data provider vendor ID
  • Column 3: Number of passengers
  • Column 4: Trip distance
  • Column 5: The rate code (standard, JFK, Newark, …)
  • Column 9: Payment type (credit card, cash, …)
  • Column 10: Fare amount

I will build a machine learning model in Python that uses columns 0, 3, 4, 5, and 9 as input and then predicts the taxi fare for every trip. I’ll compare the predicted fares with the actual taxi fares in column 10 and evaluate the accuracy of the model.

Let’s get started. I’m going to create a new folder for the application:

And install the NimbusML package:

And now I’ll launch the Visual Studio Code editor to start building the app:

I will need a couple of import statements:

I use Pandas DataFrames to import data from CSV files and process it for training. I also need Numpy because Pandas depends on it.

And I need the Pipeline, Role, TypeConverter, ColumnConcatenator, OneHotVectorizer, and FastTreeRegressor classes for the machine learning pipeline. I’ll start building it in a couple of minutes.

Finally, the train_test_split function in the Sklearn package is very convenient for splitting a single CSV file dataset into a training and testing partition.

But first, let’s load the training data in memory:

This code calls read_csv from the Pandas package to load the CSV data into a new DataFrame. Note the header=0 argument that tells the function to pull the column headers from the first line.

Next I call train_test_split to set up a training partition with 80% of the data and a test partition with the remaining 20% of the data. Note the shuffle=True argument which produces randomized partitions.

Now I’m ready to start building the machine learning model:

Machine learning models in ML.NET are built with Pipelines which are sequences of data-loading, transformation, and learning components.

This pipeline has the following components:

  • A TypeConverter that converts the passenger_count and trip_distance columns to R4 which means a 32-bit floating point number or a single. I need this conversion because Pandas will load floating point data as R8 (64-bit floating point numbers or doubles), and ML.NET cannot deal with that datatype.
  • An OneHotVectorizer that performs one-hot encoding on the three columns that contains enumerative data: VendorID, RatecodeID, and payment_type. This is a required step because I don’t want the machine learning model to treat these columns as numeric values.
  • A ColumnConcatenator which combines all input data columns into a single column called Feature. This is a required step because ML.NET can only train on a single input column.
  • A final FastTreeRegressor learner which will analyze the Feature column to try and predict the total_amount.

Let’s take another look at those VendorID, RatecodeID and payment_type columns.

The RatecodeID column holds a numeric value but it’s actually an enumeration with the following values:

  • 1 = standard
  • 2 = JFK
  • 3 = Newark
  • 4 = Nassau
  • 5 = negotiated
  • 6 = group

The paymnent_type is also numeric and defined as follows:

  • 1 = Credit card
  • 2 = Cash
  • 3 = No charge
  • 4 = Dispute
  • 5 = Unknown
  • 6 = Voided trip

And VendorID is a numeric code that identifies a taxi vendor.

These numbers don’t have any special meaning. And I certainly don’t want the machine learning model to start believing that a trip to Newark is three times as important as a standard fare because the numeric value is three times larger.

And this is why I need one-hot encoding. This is a special trick to tell the machine learning model that VendorID, RatecodeID and payment_type are just enumerations and the underlying numeric values don’t have any special meaning.

With the pipeline fully assembled, I can train the model on the training partition by calling the fit pipeline function and providing the trainData partition.

I now have a fully- trained model. So next, I will grab the test data, predict the taxi fare for each trip, and calculate the accuracy of the model:

This code calls the test pipeline function and provides the testData partition to generate predictions for every single taxi trip in the test partition and compare them to the actual taxi fares.

The function will automatically calculate the following metrics:

  • RMS: this is the root mean squared error or RMSE value. It’s the go-to metric in the field of machine learning to evaluate regression models and rate their accuracy. RMSE represents the length of a vector in n-dimensional space, made up of the error in each individual prediction.
  • L1: this is the mean absolute prediction error or MAE value, expressed in dollars.
  • L2: this is the mean squared error, or MSE value. Note that RMSE and MSE are related: RMSE is the square root of MSE.

To wrap up, let’s use the model to make a prediction.

Imagine that I’m going to take a standard-rate taxi trip with vendor 1. I’m going to cover a distance of 3.75 miles, I am the only passenger, and I pay by credit card. What would my fare be?

Here’s how to make that prediction:

This code sets up a new DataFrame with the details of my taxi trip. Note that I have to provide the data and the column names separately.

Next, I call the predict pipeline function to predict the fare for this trip. The resulting dataframe has a Score column with the predicted taxi fare.

That’s it, the app is done.

And this is proof that Python is an insanely compact language. The finished application has only 36 lines of code! That’s a new record 😅

So how much do you think my trip will cost?

Let’s find out. I can run my code like this:

Here’s what that looks like in Windows Terminal:

I get an RMSE value of 13.68 and a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) value of 2.52. This means that my predictions are off by only 2 dollars and 52 cents on average.

How about that!

And according to the model, my taxi trip will cost me $21.29. A bit expensive, but that’s New York for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So what do you think?

Are you ready to start writing Python machine learning apps with ML.NET?

This article is based on a homework assignment from my machine learning course: Machine Learning with Python and ML.NET.



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